Andrea Monzini

hello world

by Andrea Monzini on June 1, 2022

Hello world ! This is my first blog post !

In the last years of my digital experience i tried to be focused on freedom, semplicity and minimalism.

So i was pleased to discover a project like IndieWeb based on principles where technologies are at the service of people.

I prefer to call mysel a digital-maker because i like creativity and free softwares. It’s a fascinating point of contact between art and technology.

I plan to write articles about my projects and interests:

I am focused to build the website with free and open source software experimenting also with static website generators.

As first attempt i am using blop ( a Bash script based on Pandoc ) and Tufte CSS.

For this reason i am writing posts in Markdown.

In future i will experiment with Haunt that is based on Guile.

And i need to learn better Bash to manage directly scripts and text based documents.

Beside that i am learning also how to write pure HTML and CSS.

For now i am avoiding Javascript unless strictly necessary like for 3D WebGL pages.

So this blog would be mainly No Javascript but i will write a dedicated blog post about it.

By the way i am using Arch as GNU/Linux distro :)


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